Wednesday, December 14, 2011

bike trailer

I built a bike trailer a year and a half ago. Using an old bed-frame and a sawzall, hacksaw and an arc welder. it fits standard bike front wheels in all diameters.
the original incarnation had very simple wooden sides and a hand made universal joint attached to the seat-post as a hitch.

 I was able to haul 4 sheets of plywood through a muddy two track with it on a single speed road bike. once you got off the bike it would eventualy lift the bike off the ground.
I eventually added a tailgate to make it more sturdy and less likely to lose small objects. I replaced the universal joint with an old socket u-joint my home built one worked fine but rattled and squeaked endlessly at the same time I also replaced the aluminium clamp with a steel shaft clamp.
After a year of this set up (including 2 months with skis in place of wheels) I decided to upgrade the bed with a beefier, bigger one

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