Sunday, July 29, 2012

Field bag

 For this project I kind of started out by copying a concept from Filson

Since when you're not out in the woods (or fields for that matter) a smallish satchel is basically a purse. So I decided to add a waist belt to try to make it more manly. the bag is mostly recycled tent canvas with some leather belly straps.

The waist belt has 2 mini belts near the pack to attach anything you would normally put on a belt, like a knife or hatchet. You know, to make it more manly. It currently holds my knitting but it could hold things like shotgun shells for hunting or tools for fixing cars or more knives. Again, more manly.

You can also wear it with just the waist belt. So I've essentially created a purse/fanny pack hybrid. Except much cooler than it sounds.

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