Thursday, October 11, 2012

birch bark wristlet

I was asked to make a small purse out of birch bark
 It's laced together with waxed thread and has a canvas liner with a zipper

I harvested the bark from a dead, but standing tree trunk and split the bark to be thinner and more flexible.

Sunday, August 26, 2012


I know I've been posting mostly sewing projects recently. I'm a bit short on space so sewing in my room is one of a few creative outlets I have access to.
Without further ado...
I have created Jeans

 I'm still not the best at documenting the creative process but I at least took pictures of the pieces .
I'm using a button fly again. I like the way it looks and I can't get a jean zipper anywhere nearby,
 I still need to do some stitching at the belt and make the final button hole

The next step is to make belt loops then shrinking in the wash.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Field bag

 For this project I kind of started out by copying a concept from Filson

Since when you're not out in the woods (or fields for that matter) a smallish satchel is basically a purse. So I decided to add a waist belt to try to make it more manly. the bag is mostly recycled tent canvas with some leather belly straps.

The waist belt has 2 mini belts near the pack to attach anything you would normally put on a belt, like a knife or hatchet. You know, to make it more manly. It currently holds my knitting but it could hold things like shotgun shells for hunting or tools for fixing cars or more knives. Again, more manly.

You can also wear it with just the waist belt. So I've essentially created a purse/fanny pack hybrid. Except much cooler than it sounds.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

canvas pants

These are the second pair of pants I've made from recycled tent canvas.

 The first pair lacked a few features I wanted to try such as internal pockets (same basic construction as jean pockets), back pockets, double fronts, and a centered fly. For the first pair I used an odd side flap and buckle arrangement. Not the best fitting design.
They fit snuggly right now so I'm not sure if I'm going to add belt loops or not.

Leather Boots

I've been wanting to make some boots for a while now. I used a moccasin toe design.
I assembled one boot with the raw leather to make sure all the proportions were all right, then disassembled it in order to condition all the pieces with wax.

I then punched and set brass eyelets for laces and glued on a rubber sole cut from a welcome mat

 Finished product after a few weeks breaking in

Thursday, June 14, 2012


I'm getting into weaving, but don't want to buy a loom. so...
It's a smallish table loom, about 12 inches wide with a "gear" and pin system for adjusting tension.
The heddle is made from Popsicle sticks and is not the greatest. Eventually I want to buy a professionally made heddle, some things are best left to the experts.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Slings and Arrows

I've been working on more primitive weaponry, I made one leather rock sling
I can sling golf-ball sized rocks about 100 yards

I've also been making more arrows for my bows. A friend and coworker shot a turkey last month and gave me the wings to use for fletchings.
The shafts are cedar, leftovers from making paddles.
the arrow heads are dull broad heads cut from stock steel