Thursday, June 14, 2012


I'm getting into weaving, but don't want to buy a loom. so...
It's a smallish table loom, about 12 inches wide with a "gear" and pin system for adjusting tension.
The heddle is made from Popsicle sticks and is not the greatest. Eventually I want to buy a professionally made heddle, some things are best left to the experts.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Slings and Arrows

I've been working on more primitive weaponry, I made one leather rock sling
I can sling golf-ball sized rocks about 100 yards

I've also been making more arrows for my bows. A friend and coworker shot a turkey last month and gave me the wings to use for fletchings.
The shafts are cedar, leftovers from making paddles.
the arrow heads are dull broad heads cut from stock steel

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Modern Kayak Paddle

I've been trying to use up the cedar I have left over from making greenland style paddles. I came up with this design from modern kayak paddles
I added asymmetrical maple tips to bind the laminated blades together and add tip durability 
Of course I used birds-eye maple