Thursday, January 12, 2012

Sunday, January 1, 2012

'Cello 2 part 2

The 'cello is coming along well. I have the profile cut out and being smoothed with lots of planing and scraping
 The finger board is almost cone except the concave hollow at the end.

The bridge is also coming along, the blank has been cut out of a split and dried maple billet (piece of firewood) and I am slowly bringing it to final thickness.

A slightly blurry but closer look at the birds-eye grain on the finger board

Compass plane

This little project turned out much better than I thought it would. First off, it was only 8 hours between cutting out the tool and the tools first cut. including glue drying time. Secondly, it works great. Thirdly, It replaces a $40 tool for only $3 which was the cost of the cheap trimming plane that i used for the blade and cap iron
I am aiming to repeat this on different types of planes using circular saw blades cut up to make blades, and tapped scrap steel as cap irons.
It cuts well even in birds-eye maple, which is also what is made of. I would like to get a few coats of shellac on it, except I'm always using it.
Goals for next plane; a narrower, even mouth and more camber.